get more value when you register for my signature program BALANCED WELLNESS offered now for a limited time as a 1:1 package


3 hour VIP immersive experiences
These are great value

The VIP masterminds are a series of intimate group workshops in which you will learn to develop your mindset. Each workshop has a different focus and is based on a single pillar of wellbeing. You will be able to gain clarity on the how to move forward in the given area creating alignment with your highest self.  You will energize your potential by connecting to your true voice, work to dissolve mental blockages, heal your health holistically and embrace your feminine energy to develop unshakable confidence and create a life you’re obsessed with.

What you get-

Are you ?

Lacking clarity

Are you confused about what you want and what you need to do to get to that place of peaceful wellness, alignment and fulfilment?

Limiting beliefs

Are you struggling with overwhelm, overthinking and self sabotaging habits like procrastination, playing small and living the conditioned beliefs given to you by others?

Self doubt

Are you plagued by self doubt and a lack of confidence and self connection that stops you from consistently taking action towards your goals?

Self sabotage

Are you struggling with consistency in your healthy habits because of disempowering emotions like unworthiness, comparison and self loathing?

If your answer to these is big YES, then you are in the right place



I know you have big goals, ambitions and dreams, but… 

I also know that you have fears and doubts that prevent you from making progress. There are times you feel totally overwhelmed, stuck, or like your goals are still so far away from becoming a reality. You lack clarity, inner confidence, and consistency.

That’s ok, its part of the rocky journey of life

There are many times when I felt exactly the same way, when I wanted to take that step but it felt uncomfortable, confusing and hard.  If there is one thing I have learnt on my journey its that the path to success and to creating you best most abundant, beautiful life is on the other side of your fears and the other side of your comfort zone.

Your reality is created through your thoughts, by your beliefs and by your actions. So, if you want to exude wellbeing on the outside you first need to create it on the inside.

Take back the power and make your dreams a reality.

Choose the mastermind you feel you need the most right now

Next masterminds November weekend

Self captaincy $99

Focus- intellectual wellbeing- your ideas, your creativity, your knowledge, your projects and aspirations.

Level up your intellectual purpose and get unstuck. In this 3 hour VIP mastermind you will reclaim your power as you gain clarity on your current main goal and become aware of beliefs limiting your potential. In this intimate group setting we will connect to your feminine creativity and energize your true voice. Then in the safety and support of like minded women we dive deep to discover what’s standing between you and your most abundant self. Together we will establish the tools and habits necessary to navigate life’s turbulence, maintain your health and balance and pave out the next steps to manifest your dreams into reality and embody the higher version of your intellectual self.

also available as 1:1 immersion

Cherish and thrive inner goddess $99

Focus- Physical Wellbeing

Soulful methods to support wellbeing.  In this 3 hour VIP mastermind you take ownership of your health.  Together we will Define what health means to you, empower your why to come from a place of self-honoring and choose the path of wellness that resonates with your higher self. In this intimate group setting we will release the cycle of poor health, diet life, punishing exercise and create awareness with the beliefs limiting your progress. Together With the love and support of like-minded women we will dig deep into the elements of physical wellness and how to Free yourself from self-sabotage, find balance in your life and create soulful habits that support navigating life’s twists and turns to feel more fulfilled and centred in your health.  Immerse yourself in the woman you want to be and embody physical wellbeing as the healthiest, most vibrant and loved version of yourself. 

also available as 1:1 immersion
